Sunday, July 13, 2014

Street Cred

So let's talk about all the amazing sights I saw from Sunday to Wednesday this past week! 

They include: 

1) my bed 
2) the bathroom 

Yes, sadly I was afflicted with both the most pedestrian yet somehow most embarassing of all travel conditions: gastroenteritits- aka traveller's sickness aka Montezuma's Revenge aka WHY do I share a bathroom with six women?? 

Somehow, I was the first of us to fall. Perhaps it was the water, perhaps it was that I didn't properly wash my produce, perhaps it was that meat pie that sketchy looking Zimbabwean immigrant gave me on the bus to the village (...what? it was delicious). 

Whatever it was, I was out of commission for nearly four days and my flatmates had started claiming my possessions when I gave in and took my Cipro. 24 hours later, I was a new man. Not even in Bangladesh did I get so sick so quickly. Africa is not messing around. 

My friend here who worked in International Development before going back to school kept telling me that this was just the normal process of earning your "developing world street cred". I hope I have enough built up to last the rest of the trip. 

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